domingo, 27 de março de 2011

What is AIESECup

AIESECup was created in 2009 by the MC Sailors to promote an Exchange Competition between the LCs. Basically each RA, MA and RE receive a pontuation and in the end of a period (normaly in the end of the year) the LC that has more points was consider the Champion of AIESECup. We can say that AIESECup is just an Incentive tool to increase the Network Results.

Along these years, some changes were made and specially some new functions was added in the spreedsheet of AIESECup and now @cup is more than an incentive and competion tool, but a great information tool that not only the MC but the LCs to undestand their performance quickly.

Today we measure the following indicators on AIESECup:
  • Exchanges MA, RA and RE (ICX and OGX);
  • X + L (RA, MA and RE);
  • Leadership (RA, MA and RE);
  • National Exchange Programs Performance;
  • Performance Indicators (Delivery Time, Realization Rate, Available time, etc);

For more information about AIESECup: 

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